New Curriculum » Planning


Imagine having an example lesson with all the "ingredients" included: outcomes, instruction, student demonstration of learning, assessments, resources and templates. Similar to the meals plans such as Hello Fresh and Chef's Plate, these lessons are easy to prepare, yet still allow educators to "spice it up" with ingredients from their own pedagogical pantry!
The FLRC has ​​created this spreadsheet that links the lessons from the curriculum crates to the resources the FLRC already has on its shelves and the new ones that will soon be available. -
Edmonton Catholic Schools have offered teachers pacing guides to ensure guidance in covering learner outcomes and cross-curricular integrations of concepts, knowledge, and skills. These guides are invaluable in their support for instruction, assessment, student demonstration of learning and more.   
Their guides have evolved with the new curriculum to include instructional support, assessment practices, technology considerations and more. This is a chance to ensure strong pedagogy, depth of foundational knowledge and skills, and considerations of curriculum connections across the subject areas.