Resources for Professionals in French Language Education:
L'immersion en Alberta - un programme vivant
This site offers tools, strategies, information and resources to optimize teaching and learning a second language. Similar to a puzzle, teaching a second language is composed of multiple pieces. Once all the pieces are assembled, it results in riches of teaching and learning.
Here are specific resources and articles about the pedagogy of teaching French as a second language.
Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)
Information and resources for second language teachers, including printable and online activities for students, insightful articles, a conference listing. Also, see Linking Second Languages Research and Practice on the CASLT website for guides, videos and articles which reflect our teaching.
France Education International
A public establishment of the French Ministry of Education, with two principal fields of activity: education and languages, and information about DELF/DALF.
An educational website for learning French as a second language which offers a large collection of projects, quizzes and videos.
Language Portal of Canada
Contains news and current events pertaining to language, English and French language articles, and quizzes.
Le Point du FLE
A directory of sites dedicated to facilitating access to the best French language resources available on the Internet.
International French television channel website featuring shows, programs, continuous information, weather, music, and more.
ICI Radio-Canada
Find games, videos, surveys, reports and contests. Visit Mel’s blog and the program guide and get registered for Ta Zone.
University of Calgary REPSIT
Are you a French teacher, or training to become a French teacher? REPSIT has online grammar exercises, music, and virtual tours - everything you'll need to make your class high-tech in record time.
Second Languages and Intercultural Council
The SLIC facilitates professional development activities, encourages fellowship and dialogue among teachers, publishes a newsletter and peer edited professional journal and advocates in the area of second language and intercultural education.
Canadian Association of professional immersion
ACPI is a professional organization whose mission is to participate in the promotion and development of a bilingual Canada in rallying educators in immersion as well as partners of all regions of the country.
Communication Jeunesse
La Sélection de livres de Communication-Jeunesse, édition 2017-2018, a été faite à partir des livres publiés entre le 1 avril 2016 et le 31 mars 2017 par des comités indépendants, composés de bibliothécaires, d'enseignants, d'experts en vulgarisation scientifique et de libraires. Les œuvres retenues ont fait l'unanimité des membres des comités, sans contrainte quant au genre littéraire ou au nombre de livres à sélectionner. Des critères de sélection précis ont prévalu dans les décisions des membres dont la qualité de la production, la richesse littéraire, l'originalité du propos et la pertinence des thèmes et des contenus traités en fonction de l'âge des lecteurs.
Commun français
Media and News Resources:
Media Smarts
Canada's centre for digital and media literacy.
News in slow French
Listen to weekly news read in French at a slower pace.
World news on RFI
News events available in more than 20 languages.
Trivia, Tutorials and Online French Lessons:
This resource offers all the lessons, study tips, quizzes and tools you'll need to learn French.
French Tutorial
A free tutorial, offering basic and intermediate French lessons.
Polar FLE with Inspector Roger Duflair
Learn and study French with Inspector Roger Duflair by helping to solve a puzzle.
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
A website featuring thousands of links to French language resources.
A website that allows you to take French lessons via skype with French teacher David Issokson, as well as offers hundreds of video and audio lessons and vocabulary lists.